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Handy Hints and Tips for Branding and Marketing Your Business – eSeller News
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Handy Hints and Tips for Branding and Marketing Your Business

Martina Mercer
October10/ 2016

We’d all love our businesses to grow overnight through word of mouth making them an international success however the reality is that with so many online websites competing for the same attention we need to give our products and services a big push to get off the ground.

This can be quite daunting as the word marketing often implies a big budget, however there are ways you can brand and market your business yourself using time instead of money.

Where to Start with Branding and Marketing Your Business?

Let’s start with branding…

You can save oodles of money with logo design and branding if you have a clear idea of your business vision first. Once you’ve decided on the direction the logo design shouldn’t cost much at all.

You can do this by taking time out to assess you company objectively. Ask all staff and colleagues to do the same and even call in favours from family and friends.

Is your business…

Fun and Quirky?

If your target audience is trend setters or teenagers you’ll want your branding to reflect this. If this is the direction you’d like to go in you’ll need to make sure that your website copy, your Facebook updates and your tweets always match the style. A fresh funky logo will look completely out of place if your website copy is stuffy and corporate, it will also confuse potential customers and probably put most of them off.

Professional and Corporate?

If you’re a firm of lawyers or bankers you need a brand that signifies how serious you are about your profession. People will rarely take a chance on a flippant brand when they are investing serious amounts of money or relying on your service to get them the results they need. Take some time out and look at your whole message through fresh eyes, make sure the copy reflects how professional you are but is also simple to understand.

Once you’ve decided on your business message you can then give a clear brief to a logo designer and spread the word across all of your merchandise along with creating an online presence.

Creating an Online Presence

Creating an online presence is essential for marketing your business as not only does it help with SEO for your website it also potentially gives you a viral reach of billions. SEO is important for pushing your website up the ranks on the larger search engines making sure your product or service is perfectly placed on the first page whenever a consumer has already made the decision to buy. Invest in a good PPC Agency, and you can enjoy profit on every click. Don’t be fooled by those without real PPC knowledge, research thoroughly and make sure you see the results the Adwords agency has obtained for others.

Social networks are amazing free tools to utilize as when handled correctly they can create followers that will share your business message, making you known through the power of social media.


When starting out on twitter it can seem quite daunting as with few followers it may seem impossible to build up a fan base. However start by following people relevant to your business, for example if you’re selling a new gardening item follow the gardening magazines along writers that write the features and  the celebrities that present the gardening shows.

Make sure you interact but resist the urge to spam. Reply to tweets and use your personality to encourage users to become interested. Spamming includes just posting links to your products which will instantly annoy any follower, instead thank every new follower personally, ask them a question and show a genuine interest in their tweets. As you interact you’ll also become visible to their followers too, and soon the effect will snowball.


Another way to inform people of your business is to blog or write articles. By writing articles that add value to the reader you’ll not only create new customers but you’ll also create backlinks for your website that are proven to push your

business up the rankings. You can contact bloggers that may have an interest in providing you with a guest spot as long as they’re not in direct competition. For example, money saving bloggers will enjoy a blog from a discount store as they can inform their readers of savings.

Spread the Word

Once you’ve decided on a brand you can tell the world and there’s no better way to do this than through a press release. There are hundreds of free press release sites you can submit to and if it’s written in the right style it may even be picked up by a journalist for Yahoo News or something similar. Decide on your news, identify why your brand is different to others out there, detail how you will be benefitting the public and show how lives can be enhanced when choosing your product or service.




Martina Mercer

Martina Mercer is an award winning copywriter and digital marketer. She specialises in psychology delivering marketing that identifies consumer profiles and connects customers with brands. As an expert in proximity marketing, Martina is one of the only experienced beacon marketers in the UK highlighting her commitment to developing her skills in an ever changing consumer focused world.